Alec Todd

Completed: 8 June 2011

  • Start date: 20 June 2010
  • Age When Completed: 79
  • Direction Walked: Sectional

General Comments

I started with a ‘Walk with Friends’ and gradually built up from dy walks within driving distance to week long stretches accessed by public transport.

Favourite Section

West Cape Howe to Torbay would have been but it was also the wettest day of my trip.


Dawn at Helena and Blackwood campsites with the valleys filled with mist. The final half kilometer into Albany trailhead, even though it wasn’t the end of my walk.

Personal Reactions

I love solitude and the responsibility of days alone in the bush.

Your Best Equipment

My down sleeping bag.

Your Worst Equipment

A blow up pillow that punctured.

Advice for Others

Take your time.