Wayne Bullard (Wayne B)

Completed: 12 May 2009

  • Start date: 3 April 2009
  • Age When Completed: 59
  • Direction Walked: South to North

General Comments

I thought I had trained well for the walk but started at Albany and thought the sand-hills were really tough, but good fitness training for rest of the Track. Great experience overall, was pleased, aimed at completing in 40 days and was able to do that. Thanks to my wife, Chris, for her support.

Food/Supplies Comments

Next time I think I will buy a dehydrator. Got bored with pasta and muesli, I found it difficult to eat enough food towards the end of the walk. A couple of pastry shops on the Track would be great.

Favourite Section

Loved the karri forest.


Day one leaving Albany, learning to do the snake dance down on south coast, karri forest, every campsite, meeting my wife Chris at Northcliffe with a car load of home cooking . Stayed at Warren by myself and it was a perfect evening (so peaceful). Getting to Kalamunda to see my family who all came up to see me. Ring the bell and to meet my new granddaughter, born
6 May 09.

Personal Reactions

A lot more difficult than I thought to do in 40 days.


Not as much as I thought there would be, but in sections the birdlife was nice. (Don’t like the pigs much).)

Your Best Equipment

My Raichlee boots were great.

Your Worst Equipment

Damn air mattress leaked.

Advice for Others

Buy the best gear. 40-60 days is a long time, make your pack as light as you can, then throw away half the stuff you have left to make it lighter again. Train hard especially up and down steep hills.