Tabitha Nash (Tab)

Completed: 4 November 2002

  • Start date: 9 September 2002
  • Age When Completed: 34
  • Direction Walked: North to South

General Comments

Absolutely one of the best things I have ever done, thanks to everyone
who looks after the track.

Food/Supplies Comments

Being a vegan, it was tough getting suitable food at times, but I needed to lose weight.

Favourite Section

From Woolbales to Long Point, ahh finally the ocean.


Turning from a soft weakling into a fit and accomplished hiker, really learning to appreciate our beautiful country.  Met some great people too.

Personal Reactions

Shock at first, then just learning to live in the moment and try and forget my pain.


Lots of kangaroos, birds, snakes, emus, lizards and March flies.

Your Best Equipment

Great backpack (Macpac).

Your Worst Equipment

Sleeping bag and we carried too much gear.

Advice for Others

Even if you are not all that fit, give it a go but take your time so you can actually enjoy it. Pack light but take enough tea & chocolate for the long evenings.