Rod Evans (Rod)

Completed: 1 April 1999

  • Start date: 18 January 1999
  • Age When Completed: 41
  • Direction Walked: Sectional

General Comments

I ran into a lot of snakes.  As a solo walker, I probably didnt make enough noise to warn them off - lucky not to be bitten.

Food/Supplies Comments

Two resupply pick ups.  Weetbix, rice excellent foods to carry.

Favourite Section

Frankland River.


Not seeing anyone.  I walked from Walpole to Mundaring without seeing more than 2 or 3 other walkers - brilliant.

Personal Reactions

A great walk.  Best done on your own.  Someone will be bitten by a snake one day.



Your Worst Equipment

Bad fitting shoes.

Advice for Others

Do it.  As a solo walker in summer I carried up to 10ltrs of water in very remote areas as a safety margin for injury or water not being available at campsites.  As a solo walker you have to be willing to carry extra.