Eric Rous

Completed: 3 June 2006

  • Start date: 3 April 2001
  • Age When Completed: 56
  • Direction Walked: Sectional
  • Others in Group:

    Meryl Rous

General Comments

Always and enjoyable getaway.

Food/Supplies Comments

Mainly carried our own, purchased some items along the way when able, would probably get tired of it if we had undertaken longer walks.

Favourite Section

The jarrah forests.


Enjoying the solitude and arriving at a new home each night.

Personal Reactions

Pride of achievement, amazed at how many campsites we had to ourselves.


Emus, kangaroos, pigs, bandicoots, lizards & snakes ( did not see many snakes), birds.

Your Best Equipment

Thermal underwear, light everyday clothes and head torch

Advice for Others

Join and support the Friends, buy lightest gear you can afford (particularly your sleeping bag).